Urban Architecture & Innovative Metropolitan Mobility
The « Urban Architecture & Innovative Metropolitan Mobility » Sino-French joint workshop took place at the CAUP Tongji between the 5th and the 13th of April 2017.
Organised in the framework of the Innovative Metropolitain Mobility Chair(CAUP-SYSTRA-ENSAS), this workshop is the seventh workshop initiated by ENSA of Strasbourg but it is for the first time that students from the three academic institutions (CAUP, ENSAS, ENSAV) work together within an intensive design thinking experience.
The main topic of the workshop was the link between mobility infrastructures and qualitative public space in Shanghai 2040. The chosen project site was the former military airport in the north of Shanghai (Yangpu District). The objective of the spatial design was to rethink metropolitan mobility in relation to the urban space within dense (high-rise) residential neighbourhoods.
Students’ work was supervised by several professors from the three participating schools (CAUP, ENSAS, ENSAV) together with professional engineers specialised in innovative mobility solutions (SYSTRA).
A certificate of participation was delivered to all students that took part in this workshop.
Students : Kennedid ABOUBAKER, Iskandar BEKNAZVOZ, Morgan BREGIGEON, Margaux BULTE, Florian BOURGUIGNON, Mounia EL HOUARI, Anna ELLERMETS, Emilie KANG, Idriss KARNACHI, Wei LI, Brian MIGLIOLI, Xuejing SUN, Marie SUTTER, Chengxin WAN, Yuzi XIE, Dani ZHOU, Xiaozhen ZHOU.