Scientific event Research & teaching Ecosystems / Natural environments Mobility / Transportation Obsolescence / Renewal / Recycling Theory / Policy / Analytical approaches Conference
Paris, France

From the Machine to the Living

How can the world of the living be rebuilt on the ruins of modernity?
Original language

Today, the impact of mobility, production and digital infrastructures is such that our society has become disconnected from the relationship with the living. The evolution of the relationship between humans, machines and nature has accelerated from the industrial revolution to the current period. The social, environmental and health crisis we are experiencing has acted as a catalyst for an awareness that can no longer be avoided. What is the place of living beings in contemporary society? How can we design an organisation of the territory - an infrastructure of the living - that can create an ecosystem where biodiversity has its place?
Based on a historical and theoretical corpus, the conference proposes to address, through research and teaching projects, a methodological approach where biodiversity and mobility are at the heart of the architectural project. The relationship between living beings thus becomes the starting point for thinking about sustainable architecture and for building responsible infrastructures in a life cycle.

ENSA Strasbourg
Keywords architecture, urbanism, living, infrastructure, modernity